Category Archives: Cape Town


The houses in the photo below are located in Cape Town’s most colourful neighbourhood, Bo-Kaap.

It is not known exactly when or why homeowners started painting their houses in this way. The area is formerly know as the Malay Quarter. Today is it a culturally diverse area, with residents of all races and cultures. It’s a popular tourist destination and tourist buses are to be found parked outside the Bo-Kaap Museum, where all tours of the area start.

The colourful houses of Bo-Kaap ©2016 Regina Martins
The colourful houses of Bo-Kaap
©2016 Regina Martins



Weekend Coffee Share: Hot Summer Edition (The First Of Many!)

If we were having coffee it would be at Olympia Cafe and Deli in Kalk Bay. It’s my go-to place when I’m down here. It’s an eccentric down-to-earth place. Most importantly, the coffee is sublime! So that’s where we’re meeting. I know you’ll like it.

Continue reading Weekend Coffee Share: Hot Summer Edition (The First Of Many!)