Category Archives: Wordpress Weekly Photo Challenge

Wordpress Weekly Photo Challenge according to the different weekly themes

Weekly Photo Challenge: Converge

A strip of tarmac following the contours of the landscape like a serpent, converging in the far distance.

Road from Hosea Kutako airport to Windhoek
Road from Hosea Kutako airport to Windhoek

 South Africa’s national flower, the Protea’s pink petals form around the bud converging to the tip.

Named after the Greek god Proteus who could change form. There are many species of Protea.
Named after the Greek god Proteus who could change form. There are many species of Protea.
Contribution to WordPress's weekly photo challenge, with the theme of Converge. Click here to see other contributions.

Weekly Photo Challenge: Descent – Political Spirals

The spiral staircase in the library of the South African Parliament buildings is simply magnificent!

I had the opportunity to visit the South African Parliament buildings in Cape Town last year. One of my favourite spots was the library. It smelt of wood and books and knowledge and history. I loved it!

The spiral staircase tucked away in a  corner was simply one of its best features.

Spiral staircase - Library at the South African Parliament buildings in Cape Town
Spiral staircase – Library at the South African Parliament buildings in Cape Town
Weekly WordPress photo challenge: interpretation of Descent. Click here for other entries into this week's challenge.