Category Archives: Cee’s Oddball Photo Challenge

Cee’s weekly oddball photo challenge on a Sunday

Cee’s Oddball Photo Challenge: 2015 Week #50

“Cee’s Odd Ball Photo Challenge (COB) is all about those great photos that you take which really don’t seem to fit into a common category.  We’ve all taken them and like them, because we just can’t hit delete and get rid of them.  There is never a theme to this challenge, so what is an odd ball is all up for you to discover and photograph.” (Cee’s Odd Ball Photo Challenge).

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Face In The Chandelier


Can you see the face in this chandelier at Vito’s in Berlin? It’s made out of bottles and the shadows it casts are a tad scary…and oddball.

This photo has been chosen as one of the featured photos this week on Cee’s challenge 🙂 – yay! – Thank you Cee!


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