Category Archives: #justwriting

20 Inspirational Prompts For Your Next Awesome Blog Post

If you’re like me and sometimes feel uninspiredĀ that no topic comes to mind then this list is for you. I hope šŸ˜‰

I have a few resources I consult that give me interesting writing prompts. Today none satisfy so I’ve decided to be on the other side – the prompt provider.

Here’s 20 to inspire you.

  1. Start your blog post with “It’s such a noisy, selfish and frustrating world!” Go!
  2. What is your must-have packing item for travelling?
  3. 5-star hotel or RV camper and why?
  4. What was your favourite childhood game?
  5. What are the things you do to keep busy when it’s cold out/snowing outside?
  6. Mauritius or Iceland holiday, and why?
  7. Are you a cat person or a dog person or both?
  8. What’s your favouriteĀ TED Talk?
  9. What is your favourite quote?
  10. What has been the most satisfying detour you’ve ever taken?
  11. Have you ever been on the road less travelled?
  12. Are you a DIY’er? Post a pic of a DIY project you’re ok showing the blogosphere.
  13. Have you ever left a message in a bottle?
  14. Have you ever found a message in a bottle?
  15. What is your super power (we all have one don’t we…)?
  16. Do you still write longhand or have you migrated to typing your thoughts?
  17. When was the last time you ticked off every single item on your “to do” list? What happened to make it possible?
  18. How many languages do you speak?
  19. Do you have a favourite board game? Tell us about it.
  20. When was the last time you went to a ball?

Over to you.

Feel free to link to this post.

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