Category Archives: Learnings

My Warrior Plant

“The true voyage of discovery is not just in seeking out new landscapes, but in seeing with new eyes.” (Marcel Proust)

Warrior plant – swiss chard spinach (unedited photo)
©2017 Regina Martins

Last summer I planted swiss chard spinach, a few plants in fact. Not many survived because I planted them late in the summer and wasn’t diligent about watering them daily. When winter came along I thought they would dry out and perish with the cold. To my surprise, this single plant came through the cold patches to thrive and grow new leaves, astonishing in their vibrant green-ness.

Because I live in an area that has mild winters it is not surprising that the plant survived. I read that it can survive for many years under these conditions. The more you cut off the leaves, the more resilient it becomes.

Now any plant in my garden needs to be resilient because I am not the best gardener. Tough hardy plants grow well with me.

“Resilient, strong, tough, hardy, adaptable, vigorous – these are all adjectives used to describe someone who is a warrior…as well as to describe plants as botanical warriors in their own right.” (

The metaphor of plants that grow and adapt to their environment often is used to describe people who are warriors – those who thrive in adversity, moving forward all the time, learning from mistakes and successes, to become better versions of themselves each and every new day.

Google searches on warrior mindsets yield a variety of articles about business being a war and winning against others at all costs. I have a different view.

Cultivating a warrior mindset is first and foremost about YOU.

You – becoming a better version of yourself. Practicing self-reflection, gratitude, and humility, cultivating a mindset of growth and learning, continuously. Living your life, unapologetically. Seeking to make a positive impact on the world around you. Yearning to uplift those around you. Living your truth. Doing no harm.

“In the midst of winter I finally learned that there was in me an invincible summer.” (Albert Camus)

I love this photo of my warrior plant because of the contrast of the monochrome of dried leaves around the bright green of the swiss chard spinach plant.

Each one of us is a warrior. We all have the capability to thrive in the world and find our invincible summer, just like my warrior plant.


Which Editor Do You Use?

I’ve been resisting going over to the Gutenberg editor. I tried the blocks and couldn’t get my head around them so reverted to the good old Classic WordPress editor.

Picture this…

I log in to my blog after many months of inactivity and…am greeted with WordPress’s love notes: “You need to update your .php version because it is insecure and out of date” and “The version of WordPress your site is out of date…”

…and so on and so forth.

I though I had an auto job going but evidently not. The .php baffles me because I updated it in September…when WordPress asked me to…and research I did said it only needs updating every few years not every few months…so another mystery to be solved.

After updating WordPress, which I normally do with bated breath and fingers in my mouth – I mean I do have backups but it is such a mission to have to restore the site – I was pleasantly surprised to find the new WordPress Twenty Twenty theme came with it.

Let me put this out there – I LOVE the WordPress Twenty XX themes. I’m running Twenty Fourteen – still – because it is the only one that so far meets all of my needs. I’ve tried a dozen others on live preview and it quickly becomes clear that they doesn’t have what I want. So I continue looking. After many hours of exploration, I decide to just continue with the Twenty Fourteen.

Twenty Twenty is no different, although it meets most of my needs. I watched a YouTube video (link at the bottom) on how to customise it because perhaps I’m missing something (I’m not), and was led to another theme that the YouTuber loves and recommends – the Chaplin theme. It’s free and feature-rich. I love feature-rich themes.

All of this exploration has caused me to rethink my stance on the Gutenberg editor. I learned (YouTube is awesome!) that I can create and customise my own static home page with a lot more flexibility than before. I’ve been thinking of how I can incorporate my professional blog into this one – the url is after all my name, so it makes sense that I consolidate my online presence – don’t you think…? Ok, I’m not so sure about this so I’m going to give it more thought.

In the meantime I’ll keep the Twenty Fourteen going – I admit to being emotionally attached to it. And probably try the Chaplin on my professional site which is where I’ll try the Gutenberg editor.

Baby steps small steps…

So now that that is decided, let me know – Are you still using the Classic editor?


~ Regina ~

YouTube link mentioned above: