Category Archives: Flash Fiction

Telling stories in a few words

Writing 101 Day 5: Someone’s Lost Their Ride – 100 Word Story

Writing 101, Day 5 assignment - Be Brief 
You stumble upon a random letter on the path. You read it. It affects you deeply, and you wish it could be returned to the person to which it’s addressed. Write a story about this encounter. Today’s twist: Approach this post in as few words as possible.

“I wrote a letter to my love and on the way I lost it…” I distractedly sing the children’s rhyme, my eyes on the treacherous path. I see something…

White paper napkin, black scrawling writing, red lipstick smudges. Crumpled up. Carelessly lost. Or deliberately thrown? Placed in my path by pesky wind.

Picking it up, I read:

“8 o’clock. Be there. The ship sails. Never to return.”

Well someone’s lost their ride. I sigh, smell the rich perfume still on the paper. My fingers feel dampness. Of tears?

The church bell tolls nine times.

Tears come unbidden to my eyes.

Just don’t go there! Three trick questions to NEVER ask me!

Daily prompt: A Pulitzer-winning reporter is writing an in-depth piece – about you. What are the three questions you really hope she doesn’t ask you?

Best is to stay away from these questions:

  1. What's wrong? Nothing! Rather ask me "What's up?" or "What's on your mind?"
  2. Are you sure? Off course I'm sure, just trust what I just said ok?
  3. Why? Because... (and that's all you'll get). Rather ask me "What was your motivation for...?" or "What are you reasons for...?" or "How did you arrive at that?"

What questions do you NOT want to be asked at all?

Click here for more of WordPress bloggers’s trick questions posts.