Weekend Coffee Share: Warmth-Seeker

If we were having coffee I would tell you that I was not particularly motivated or inspired to do anything this week. Blogging took a back-seat and for the first time in many months I did not post even once.

Winter has arrived and cold weather is not my favourite. I naturally want to go into hibernation mode. All I want to do is seek warmth. Time in the sun is bliss and under the duvet even better.

Despite that I had 3 early mornings where I left home between 6h15 and 6h30 am, in the dark, and arrived home 12 hours later, in the dark.

traffic in the city by reginamartins.com
Early morning Joburg traffic; the glow of the pre-rising sun a beautiful cold backdrop to the frenetic traffic, even at that early hour

If we were having coffee I would tell you that I spent two days on Agile Product Owner training. One of the exercises we had to do in our groups was to build the tallest free-standing structure made out of 20 sticks of spaghetti, masking tape and a marshmallow – this last had to be the item at the top of the structure. Who would have thought that a marshmallow could be so heavy. At least our structure did not fall down.

spaghetti structure by reginamartins.com
The tallest free-standing structure made out of spaghetti, marshmallows and masking tape

If we were having coffee I would tell you that I visited one of the new modern buildings across from Sandton City. As I emerged from the basement to the lobby I saw something so surreal that I had to look twice before realising what it was. The amoeba-like shape is actually the ceiling of the two-storey lobby, the effect created by a double bulkhead with inset lighting where the pillar is. Quite striking.

amoeba-like photo by reginamartins.com
Ceiling of new modern building in Sandton. The double bulkhead with inset lights at the top of the pillar looks like an organic amoeba-like sea creature

If we were having coffee I would tell you that I missed toastmasters this week. The new committee was elected. This year I am Mentorship Manager – I am doing this as my High Performance Leadership assignment to get my Advanced Leader certification.

If we were having coffee I would tell you about my nephew’s fun day at school yesterday. As usual it was a riot of noise and colour. Someone had the bright idea of giving the kids whistles so the noise levels were LOUD!  Fun days always remind me of the Madness song “Baggy Trousers”.

The weak sun is no longer warming so if we were having coffee it would now be time to say goodbye, until next week. I hope to be able to catch up on reading all the blogs.

Part of a weekly linkup hosted by Part Time Monster. Click on the link to see more weekly coffee shares.

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4 thoughts on “Weekend Coffee Share: Warmth-Seeker”

    1. I will be working closer to home this week so I can leave home later (Yay!). I do need the sun though. Hope you have an awesome week!

  1. Outstanding work on the spaghetti, marshmallow tower. I’m pretty sure my head would be spinning in circles if I tried to accomplish that.

    1. Thanks! It was fun doing it. I’m told that a group of kids have built the tallest such tower. They have no filters, for them there is no failure only learning .

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