Selfie yes or no?

NaBloPoMo prompt: Do you like taking selfies? Why or why not? Photo theme is “You”.

I take selfies. I don’t publish them. I keep them to track the progression of time. I don’t want to expose anyone to them, I mean how often have you seen terrible selfies as profile pictures?

But here’s the thing – do these people think that they look terrible? I have just made a judgement based on my view of the world. And I have no doubt that others make the same judgement of my selfies based on their view of the world.

I often wonder if the image I see in the mirror is the same image that other people see. I have green eyes but other people see hazel. Are they colour-blind? I know I’m not.

The thing with selfies is that I can take photos until I get one that I think is as perfect as it can be. I can hide flaws and enhance my best features. The rest I trash. I am in full control of the process.

What is real and what is not? What is reality anyway? Do I look like I look or do I look like others think I look like?

Before I go down a rabbit hole, let me post some recent selfies. These are off course the best ones, all the terrible ones have been trashed. Well…I think they’re good enough to post…


Are you a selfie taker? Why or why not?

Entered in this month’s NaBloPoMo – the theme is PHOTO.



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17 thoughts on “Selfie yes or no?”

  1. I like your selfies! They’re great. I don’t take them because they never turn out right. However, I do take one of myself with one of my grandsons from time to time. I like to be able to have a picture of myself with the boys on my phone that I can look at when I am missing them. And the boys love to scroll through the pictures on my phone and get a kick out of yelling out “Nana!” when they get to one of those pictures!
    Corina recently posted…Coffee, Coffee, Who Wants Coffee?My Profile

    1. Oh that is fun. I also do that with my nephew and niece. Selfies of the 3 of us look a bit crazy between my 13 year old niece’s pout and my 6 year old nephew sticking his tongue out at the camera and me trying to hold the came steady LOL!

  2. Nice post and nice selfies 🙂 I sometimes take selfies in case I want to remember something (e.g. a particular outfit) but in general I can’t be bothered. I think there are more important things to worry about than my own face 😉
    zsuzsi recently posted…#NaBloPoMo May 2: Your PassionMy Profile

  3. So true about taking selfies and why we post them – or whether we look the way we really look or the way people think we do. I know that the few selfies I’ve taken, they’ve all been put under a filter. I don’t like the real me in pictures. Which is kind of weird, because back when selfies weren’t a thing, getting a picture taken without filters wasn’t really a big deal for me. You know what I mean?
    Janice recently posted…May Is For MothersMy Profile

    1. Thanks! You are right about the sharing. Sometimes I try to take it in such a way that it doesn’t look like a selfie , a non-selfie-selfie.

  4. I am not a selfie taker. The few I’ve tried have looked so awful (in my view) that I tossed selfies out the window.

    1. Selfies, more than pics taken by someone else, are rather exposing.
      The first time I took a selfie I felt quite foolish, looked around to see if anyone was looking 🙂

      1. i have taken two or three selfies. Did not like what I saw, so no more for me. The angle at which the camera catches the subject, which in this case is me, just shows up all the physical flaws like wrinkles and facial lines I do not appreciate having.

        1. You’re right about the angle, it’s not very flattering. I played around with holding the phone at different heights :-), but a lot get trashed along the way. I wonder if the selfie stick is any better, haven’t tried that.

          1. I have concluded that I am not keen on selfies, stick or no stick, good angle or bad angle. I think selfies are a little narcissistic, and that is another aspect of selfies with which I am uncomfortable. It is debatable but that is my stance at the moment.

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