Stream of Consciousness: Of Rains and Plans

Stream of consciousness January 5th, posted on January 10th … oh well …


It’s raining now, softly-ish, filling the pool with lovely water that I can use later for backwashing and cleaning out the filter. The pool level is almost to the top. It’s rainy, with only a few hours of sunshine over the middle of the day: there’s a sleepy quality to the day; the cats certainly think so, dozing as they are. Looking out into the distance I see that it is foggy, unusual for this time of year; it is after all summer here. But it’s not a cold rain; I am sitting on the sofa wearing shorts and a t-shirt.

I’ve scrolled through Instagram (twice), re-read certain parts of A Little Life (again) and read a chapter of a book on my phone. I’m still on leave for the next 2 weeks and only now, in the new year am I really relaxing. The stress of Christmas and new year celebrations are over, and now my time is my own for the next 2 weeks: then work starts again.

I’m almost wishing I was back at work but I know how important and precious this time off is. But can an entrepreneur and business owner really take time off? My thoughts are with my business occupying my sleeping and waking moments: waking up in the middle of the night in a cold sweat, worried, weird dreams expressing fears – I can’t wait to get back to it and get this show on the road. To make this year a good year, another good year, a better year. I have plans, growth plans. Being the best, being better, being being being. Just being. I find that I rather enjoy the business side of things. It’s exciting, exhilarating, stimulating, and creative and now I’m able to do what I want without needing to ask for permission. The business is my own and I only want the best for it. The best for my team. The best for my clients.
