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Weekend Coffee Share: The Out and About Edition

I’ve already had a number of coffees but there is always time and desire for more. I’m at my sister’s house this weekend and there is the usual coffees – french press, Nespresso and others. And orange cake! My sister bought orange cake and it’s delicious. One of my favourite cakes. Welcome to this week’s Weekend Coffee Share.


I finished one book this week and started and finished another one. Both thrillers by Chris Ryan. I’m familiar with his Strike Back books from the Netflix series that Chè and I enjoyed. When I read I’m at my most relaxed, my heart rate drops to its resting rate, and I’m in my happy place. My brother and I recently swopped books so I have lots to choose from. There’s a whole bunch of Clive Cussler books that I’m looking forward to reading this coming week.

Out and about – a rare occurrence!

Thursday was a rare out-and-about day for me. I met with a colleague and an ex-colleague at a garden coffee shop for a farewell brunch and it was so enjoyable. Then I dropped by Leroy Merlin to pick up an order I’d done online. I was impressed by how efficient the whole process of click-and-collect was. Then I drove to my sister’s house where I’m having a wonderful weekend. My niece is making pizza for Saturday night dinner.

Feeling alive

Even though I love working from home and don’t mind not going out, I confess that my Thursday outing made me feel alive. Humans are social beings; I do tend towards introversion but I really enjoyed being out 🙂

Work in progress – too much of it!

I have a lot of work in progress (at work). I get pulled into all sorts of meetings, there are all sorts of sessions I need to be at that I have a lot of work in progress. Last week I started many things but finished none and I feel frustrated about it.

Sleep and siesta

I had a couple of nights last week that I woked up at about 2:30 am thinking about all the work I have in progress. I fell asleep close to 4 am and then was up at 6 am. I felt tired on those days so what did I do? I had a siesta after lunch! And it did the world of wonder to my energy levels and cleared my mind a bit. I highly recommend an afternoon nap, if you can do it. Working from home, I’m grateful that I can do this. It was a no-training week so I could do this.

This weekend at my sister’s house, I went to bed at about 10 pm, and as soon as my head hit the pillow I was asleep and slept very well, waking up rested and refreshed.


My year is getting busy so I’m committing to one post a week, and the Weekend Coffee Share is my opportunity for this. It’s such a wonderful community, hosted by Natalie the Explorer.

That’s it for today. I hope you have a wonderful week ahead, and see you next week, same time, same place.



Weekend Coffee Share: The Carrot Cake Edition


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10 thoughts on “Weekend Coffee Share: The Out and About Edition”

  1. YES – Regina. I think you get it. I have almost no issue with working from home and rarely seeing anyone other than my family, but without church or restaurant dining or meeting with friends for dinner and such, it feels like life has lost a lot of color. Even us quiet types need some live flesh and blood around us occasionally.

  2. I love different types of coffee too. Both my daughters are baristas and LOVE their coffee. Our oldest just got a nespresso maker last year, and loves it. We have a french press that I use. My youngest who still lives at home, has an espresso machine, cold brew, and pour over gadgets as well…lol.

    1. Oooh! I’d love to be a barista, my ideal job right now. Getting a pour over gadget is my next coffee expense, together with that special kettle with the long spout.

  3. Hi Regina, I agree with the importance of afternoon naps! I don’t have problems with sleep right now, but for many many years I suffered from insomnia and was often awake most of the night. I would have gone crazy if I wasn’t able to have afternoon naps! Wishing you a week ahead with good nights’ sleep and pleasant dreams!

  4. Your outing sounds great. I’m glad you had a nice weekend at your sister’s. I’m also committing to one blog post per week atm. Thank you for linking with #WeekendCoffeeShare. Have a wonderful week ahead!
    Natalie recently posted…A Year LaterMy Profile

  5. Thank you for the coffee and I enjoyed sharing your week with you. I’m so happy you’ve been able to get out and visit your sister! That’s great!! I hear you about blogging time, I haven’t been able to post more than once or twice a week. I usually meet up for coffee on the weekends, and try and write a smile post during the week. At this point in my busy life I can’t write much more. Have a wonderful week ahead! ❤️

    1. The A to Z blogging challenge is coming up in April and I’m hoping to enter. I have an idea of what to post and if I can prepare posts in advance I might be able to make it

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