I did a google search on what’s cool nowadays and guess what? I got a whole lot of results of articles on what’s cool for teens!
Like only teens are the masters of cool!
I need your help here – we need to prove to google that it’s not only teens that are cool. Coolness comes in all shapes, guises and sizes. And ages too. And you don’t have to be a celebrity either.
The urban dictionary defines cool as:
This is what I think is cool and I need you to tell me what you think is cool too.
I think having a blog is cool and hot – it’s hot having a blog – that’s cool man!
I think driving fast is cool – teens can’t drive for most of their teen years.
I think folding your tongue into a roll is cool – how cool is that? I can do that. I’m cool.
I think this 80 year old body builder is cool. I want to be like her when I’m 80.

I think Wang Deshun is cool. Don’t know who Wang Deshun is? Check below. He’s 80 years old too!

I think 80 year olds are cool! My Dad is almost 80. And my Mom too and I think they’re cool. My Dad still works an 8 hour day in his business and my Mom is an assessor and moderator for an education board – how cool is that?
I think teachers are cool – helping to shape young minds into the adults of tomorrow.
If you’ve climbed Mt. Kilimanjaro – I think you’re cool. You’ve done what I chickened out of.
I think street art is cool.

Audrey Hepburn is cool – she never goes out of style.

The same goes for Princess Diana…I copied that hairstyle once.

I think kindness is cool.
So is generosity.
And patience.
Now I need your help here. What else is cool nowadays?
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Loving who you are is Cool 🙂 Stepping out of your comfort zone is Cool 🙂 Trying new things is Cool 🙂 Age is just a number it’s who you are in your head that matters. I learnt how to snowboard in my 40’s and love it! I’m now in my fifty’s and have started downhill mountain biking, (& Blogging) and love it 🙂 Myself and my partner are selling up and going to live on a boat. My son actually said to me last month that I’m Cool –
I laughed 😀 – Great Post enjoyed reading!
Thanks Sam!
WOW! You are cool! Those are such amazing things to do. I love it that you’re going to live on a boat.