Arbitrary Randomness

It’s springtime in Lisbon. The colours are vibrant as they always are. It’s also cold.

©2017 Regina Martins

Trees are in bloom.

©2017 Regina Martins

This staccato post is all I can muster today, after not blogging yesterday. I’ve been travelling from Johannesburg to Portugal and now I am here. I slept little on the plane and I’m about ready to drop off to sleep even though it is 16:21 here. Not because of jet lag because the time difference is only 2 hours. This is all because I didn’t sleep on the plane.

So please excuse me for now.

Sleep well.


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8 thoughts on “Arbitrary Randomness”

  1. I do admire all these travels, while it may be tiring but new surroundings now and then do refresh your mind I am sure. I love the photographs I like the pink blossom on the last one. Thank you for sharing your experiences. I enjoy reading about your travels.

    1. Thank you Mabel 🙂
      I have a lot of pics from this last trip I’m going to be posting soon.
      Have a great Friday and weekend ahead.
      PS – I hope your recovery is progressing well 🙂

  2. Hi Regina

    Thanks for visiting my blog a couple of weeks. I just realised that they we use the same theme – no wonder it looked familiar! ^_^

    It’s great to find your blog!

    1. Thanks so much Jolene. I have tried so many themes and I keep coming back to the Twenty Fourteen. It’s gorgeous and has all the features I need.
      I really enjoy your blog 🙂

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