It’s a well documented fact that mornings are my least favourite time of the day. This early in the morning I’m optimising for sleep. Yet when I do get up early, I feel good. Getting to the getting up part is another thing…
As a result I don’t have lovely morningy type pics. I can however show you a pic of a bowl of mielie meal, drizzled with maple syrup Che made for me, complete with the letter “R” written in cinnamon.
I remember walking along a road in Kalk Bay – on the one side was a spectacular view of the bay. On the other was this earth moving machine, in all its yellow glory. Both views were pleasing to me because I enjoy the brutishness of heavy machinery. I took a photo of both views. Below is the view with the engine.
Less powerful, this people mover is ubiquitous in many countries. I like riding in them. I like less being ripped off by the drivers because I’m a tourist.
Mozambican-born Portuguese South African; reflecting on travel, writing, editing, life, family and change that has social impact; chief wide eyed in wanderer, wonderer and bottlewasher