Cee’s Which Way Challenge – August 3, 2016

I haven’t entered Cee’s Which Way Challenge in a while. I thought it would be good to give it a go again. Hopefully my photography skills have improved. There are such amazing entries in all of Cee’s challenges, and Cee herself is an exceptionally talented photographer.

The Which Way photo challenge was always my favourite and I love it that it is back again. It’s probably been back for a while but I’ve only just noticed it…

I’m in Lisbon at the moment and these are pics taken in the last few days. The unique pavements of Lisbon, and the little archways framing the narrow roads are some of the photos I’ve taken.

The unique pavements of Lisbon ©2016 Regina Martins
The unique pavements of Lisbon
©2016 Regina Martins
Archway and walkway ©2016 Regina Martins
Archway and walkway
©2016 Regina Martins
Space for both cars and people ©2016 Regina Martins
Space for both cars and people
©2016 Regina Martins
Top of archway ©2016 Regina Martins
Top of archway
©2016 Regina Martins

Entered in Cee’s Which Way Photo Challenge.
