Some people say that finding and picking up feathers brings good luck. For me, a fallen feather reminds me of regeneration, rejuvenation and regrowth.
Monthly Archives: May 2016
26 Weeks Letter Challenge: “G”
This week brings us the letter “G” – well, let me tell you that I had loads of photos saved with subjects all starting with the letter “G”, off course!
There were pics of goats, a gorgeous female ginger cat (very unusual I believe) and a guard of honour made by seagulls on the pier at Swakopmund. This last one was a bit blurry as I took it with my phone.
Despite the choice, I’ve decided to go with one subject though.
So, for your viewing pleasure, I’ve included two pics of the same subject taken from two slightly different angles.
Entered in Lori’s 26 Weeks Letter Challenge – go on over to see other entries in this blogging event.