Why write a whole post when a single picture paints all the words I could ever want to say in this regard?

Why write a whole post when a single picture paints all the words I could ever want to say in this regard?
This is the week of the letter “A”. Each photo could fit into other letters depending on how you see them. These are my entries.
We have these beautiful amaryllis flowers in pots on our patio. My Mom-In-Law gave us the bulbs. They flower every year without fail, albeit for a short period of time at the beginning of Spring. When they flower I’m always reminded of the wonderful person that was Che’s Mom.
Che makes this French styled apple pie. He takes so much care with it and it comes through in the taste. He will make the pie crust from scratch and the apple filling is flavoured with exotic hints of cloves, cinnamon and a hint of nutmeg.
The shape is not traditional but the artwork is – traditional African designs and colours.
This one of the oldest “castles” in Johannesburg. The word castles is in inverted commas because our culture is not old enough to have castles. It is also not part of the South African culture. This is the Three Castles Building on the eastern side of the city. I wrote a post about this last year. One part of the building is still in use, but this part, gutted by fire, has been abandoned.
Wire artwork in the foyer of a building. It’s tall.
Arrivals hall at OR Tambo international airport in Kempton Park, which serves Johannesburg and surrounds. It’s the main airport in South Africa. I’ve arrived at this hall many times, and waited for friends and family here too. The photo was taken at Christmas time hence the tall tree in the top centre of the photo. It’s a comfortable arrivals hall – there’s a coffee shop – that all I need to wait it out.
Interesting architectural feature of one of the new office buildings in Sandton.
Entered in 26 Weeks Letter photo challenge hosted by Let There Be Peace On Earth. This is how it works:
This challenge is to show-off the many pictures we take which we forget we even have and it will give us an opportunity to stir-up our creative juices and get us thinking… The rules are simple: - Create your own interpretation and title it: 26 Weeks Letter Challenge: - Tag your post to the weekly challenge so others can see it and play along. - Get your post in before the following weeks challenge. - Use as many pictures as you like representing the weekly letter. - Use archived or new pictures. Let us see what you have… - Have fun with it…