…two weeks in fact, give or take a day or so, that I haven’t blogged here or anywhere else for that matter. Not even for the favourite WordPress weekly photo challenge.
This week’s theme is an easy one – Optimistic. For someone who snaps pics every day it should be easy. Not lately though. So I present to you instead, a selection of pics which will go some-ways towards showing you what I’ve been up in January, so far. I’ll allow the captions to tell the story.
Photos unfiltered nor post-processed, just in case you’re wondering at their less than pristine quality.

©2016 Regina Martins

©2016 Regina Martins

©2016 Regina Martins

©2016 Regina Martins

©2016 Regina Martins

©2016 Regina Martins

©2016 Regina Martins
Until tomorrow…