Currently I am….

Feeling: The fact that I am feeling neutral worries me. Oh wait, if I am worried about feeling neutral then I am not feeling neutral. I am feeling worried. About feeling neutral.

Almost a year ago to this day I was inspired by this meme (click here to read the original post). Today I find myself turning to this meme once again, not out of inspiration but out of desperation for a topic to blog about on this cold and wintry Friday night.

So here goes…

Currently I am…

Reading: Like last year, I am reading too many books at the same time and not finishing any. The one I am enjoying the most, and the most likely to finish first is “Born to Run” by Christopher McDougall.

Listening to: The sound of distant cars.

Laughing at: My husband, Che, makes me laugh. He has a knack for comedy and would make an excellent stand-up comic.

Swooning over: A 50mm lens. I went into the photo shop this evening but they had none, otherwise I would have walked out with a new toy to try out on the weekend.

Planning: My birthday party. I am undecided where to have it. It is in October so I have some time to decide.

Eating lots of: Rice cakes. Read why here.

Feeling: The fact that I am feeling neutral worries me. Oh wait, if I am worried about feeling neutral then I am not feeling neutral. I am feeling worried. About feeling neutral.

Discovering: Knitting and crochet.

Looking at: Buying Christmas presents now, before December.

Wearing: Work clothes. While blogging on a Friday night. Should I be worried about that too?

Cooking: No cooking tonight. Che and I stopped by the Mugg and Bean for an early dinner.

Wondering: Do androids dream of electric sheep?

Trying out: Wearing no heels this Winter, just flats!

Have a great weekend everyone!


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2 thoughts on “Currently I am….”

  1. I love your new WP photo! You look great! Got a kick out of the photo challenge of doors, knowing your focus has been windows. But where there are good windows, there are cool doors!

    1. Thank you Ann!
      I only started looking at doors as a photographic subject recently. Usually I am able to go into my photo archives for the WP challenges but for this week’s I had to go out and find doors to photograph 🙂

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