A warm spot to curl up in

I’m back home in SA after a wonderful 2 and a half weeks in hot Portugal. I was kinda hoping that I’d missed the last of the winter but unfortunately came back to a freezing cold front. It’s snowing in the mountains. The wind is biting. It’s back to frozen tips of noses and frozen hands. There are gloves for hands but there’s nothing to warm the tip of your nose. I know I’m going to spend the weekend searching for heat, and like a cat find a warm sunny spot to curl up in.

You, Robot – Taxi Driver

WordPress daily writing prompt: You, Robot. Congrats — you’ve been handed a robot whose sole job is to relieve you of one chore, job, or responsibility you particularly hate. What is it?

There are those people who like to talk with taxi drivers and those who don’t. I’m the latter.

Then there are those taxi drivers who like to talk and others who don’t. I prefer the latter.

It’s not that I don’t like taxi drivers – I do – I just want to ride in silence, because I like being in silence.

This morning’s taxi driver was both disturbing and hilarious without uttering many words. My Mom wasn’t able to contain herself and starting giggling while still in the car. After he dropped us off at home we couldn’t contain ourselves any longer and burst into laughter.

This guy was strange. First of all his car was the first in the rank but he was nowhere to be seen. We found him smoking on the pavement – it was obviously a slow morning.

We got in the car and upon giving him the address and he asked such an arb question neither my Mom or I understood. When we asked him to repeat it all he said was “Thanks very much.”

He stopped for every pedestrian wanting to cross the road, and in that area there are many. I guess he was trying to raise his fare by taking long to get to our destination. Occasionally he made sounds like Donald Duck and kept looking at his watch – although he had no watch on his wrist!

We’ve had the armchair politician, the soccer fanatic, the one who takes holidays in Spain because it’s EUR500 cheaper than in Portugal and the one whose neighbour is an ex-President of the country. But this one was the strangest by far.

As mentioned, I prefer the drivers who say nothing. Just like I am with hairdressers, I don’t want to talk. I prefer to ponder on my surroundings, think and use the silence for my relaxation.

You, robot, Mr. Taxi Driver, don’t take it personally but just take me home and… ssshhhhhh…..!

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