Tag Archives: transcendental meditation

On The Edge – 5 Things That Keep Me Sane

Today’s WordPress daily writing prompt asks us to tell you about the things that keep me on an even keel, i.e. off the edge of slashing someone’s tyres when they piss me off upset me.

Engaging and indulging in these things are my thing, in no particular order:

  1. My family – They keep me grounded and are exceptionally important to me.
  2. Meditating – I have practiced the Transcendental Meditation technique for about ten years now and this certainly keeps my stress-levels under control.
  3. Blogging – It may not seem like it due to the patch blogging lately. Blogging, posting photos, interacting with the various blogging communities is fast becoming an addiction a passion. I look forward to ending my week with WordPress’s photo challenge on a Friday. It’s become an anchor to start the weekend on the right footing.
  4. Reading – Knowledge, recreation, I love to lose myself in the worlds the books describe.
  5. Quiet time – I need quietude, often.

What keeps you on the edge?