One of the most rewarding activities to indulge in during summer is to have poolside sundowners. Something to look forward to on a weekend. South Africa has so much sun and we’re so lucky up here in Gauteng, that it would be a shame not to spend each and every minute of the day outside.
Cheese, wine, or apple cider, a fitting finale to summer weekends (taken with Hipstamatic on iPhone 6 Plus, so the size and resolution may be affected).
WordPress weekly photo challenge – this week’s theme is Reward.
Today's prompt: What was the last picture you took?
Tell us the story behind it. (No story behind the photo? Make one up,
or choose the last picture you took that had one.)
5th January 20h48. It’s a hot and balmy summer evening. Eskom could have load shed on this evening and I wouldn’t even have minded. The moon provided as much light as any lamp. It was beautiful and no camera could’ve captured its beauty. I tried…
Moonlight 5th January 2015 at 20h48 (captured with my iPhone)
Mozambican-born Portuguese South African; reflecting on travel, writing, editing, life, family and change that has social impact; chief wide eyed in wanderer, wonderer and bottlewasher