Tag Archives: now

I can change time

Sounds like something Darth Vader would have said to Luke Skywalker, “I am your father…and I can change time!” If he’d said that to me I would’ve believed him. And run around scared shitless for the rest of my life! Nope. It was said by one of my IT colleagues! Come to think of it, I think I’m scared shitless anyway!

The discussion at lunch yesterday was about the responsibility that IT people have. Depending on how senior they are they have access to change all sorts of things on computer systems. The potential for global mayhem is very real and it is only due to default human nature being basically good, that we don’t have disgruntled IT employees causing mayhem when they get peed off at not getting an increase or bonus.

We joked about just erasing systems we don’t like (amazingly easy). Off course, the conversation then went to being able to change system time  on everyone’s laptop so that the whole company could knock off early. So, my IT colleague said that it would be very easy and that’s how the “I can change time” comment came about.

Time is not what the hands on your watch show, nor is it something written on a piece of paper (check my Eckles blog post). There is no time. Not, no time, as in not having time for anything. I mean, no time, as it doesn’t exist. At least not as a universal reality. There is just now, only now is real. Only now allows action. We only exist in now. Our lives are made up of beautifully strung nows each now leading to the now again and again and again. Now means no stress, no worry, no guilt, and constant change.

So knowing all this and accepting all this, why do I sometimes allow my worries and stresses to filter through? It feels really kak shitty horrible.

And knowing all this why do I do it? What am I getting out of it? Right now, as I write this, I have no clue!

You’d think, for an IT person like me I could just change time…

Anyone else feel like this too?