Orange you glad it’s photo challenge time? I mean…really..?
Click on any photo to see the gallery – captions tell the story behind each photo.

Clivia Miniata aka Bush Lily, named after Lady Clive, Duchess of Northumberland. It is at the risk of extinction, sought after in traditional medicine and horticulture. Wild populations have declined by nearly half in the last 90 years due to ongoing harvesting and the destruction of their habitat through deforestation, crop farming and urban development. Instead of picking a clivia from the wild, rather buy them from a reputable nursery.

There are flowers wherever one goes in India. Bowls of bright orange marigolds at the bottom of a stairwell. The Portuguese introduced marigolds to India. They are also known as “The Herb of the Sun” and are symbolic of passion and creativity. Curtains of marigolds are strung up at Hindu weddings. Lord Vishnu and his wife Goddess Lakshmi, the ideal couple are worshiped with marigolds, hence they are auspicious at Hindu weddings, blessing the couple divine blessings and a happy and prosperous life ahead.

This cute little pigmy pony was very shy and he didn’t enjoy the attention he was getting from my camera. Such a sweet looking animal.

The promenade walk from the bus and train station to the FNB stadium in Soweto, also affectionately known as Soccer City where many matches, including the final of the 2010 World Cup was played. Popular soccer venue, it also hosts many music concerts, such as Lady Gaga, Linkin Park, Metallica and many others. It seats 94 736 people.
Click here for more photos depicting other blogger’s entries in this week’s challenge.