The last time I was in Cape Town was in August last year. Cape Town is one of my favourite cities to visit. It is be far the most beautiful city in South Africa. I was very fortunate to stay at a hotel at the Victoria and Albert Waterfront. The view from my room was unbelievable.
Table Mountain, Cape Town
The sunset was spectacular.
Looking towards Table MountainSunset, V&A Waterfront, Cape Town
I was lucky in that the week I was there was in between torrential rain and storms. Not a drop fell while there. The ground was waterlogged.The week after the rains came down again.
I first experienced the sound of silence on top of Table Mountain in Cape Town. Before then it had just been the title of a song. Once on top of the mountain I was struck by how strange sounds seemed. Voices seemed to be muted and far away, similar to being in an office that has white sound.
And then it came to me…this is what silence must sound like. Even though there were other people present, it enveloped me, like a physical cloak. I looked down at the city and ocean far below me, teeming with movement, but no sound came up to me. It felt like watching a silent movie where the actors’ lips move, but no sound comes out.
It was so peaceful. I long to experience it again.
Mozambican-born Portuguese South African; reflecting on travel, writing, editing, life, family and change that has social impact; chief wide eyed in wanderer, wonderer and bottlewasher