Commenting Guidelines

I truly value comments – it’s a way to connect and build a community, and as  Mashable says, “breaking down the wall between author and reader.” Comments are meant to invite further interaction.

A comment is like a bouquet of flowers and when I get one it’s amazing and I do a silly silent happy dance before responding. Every comment is special.

Here are some guidelines to keep in mind when commenting in the Wide Eyed in Wonder community:

  1. All comments are held in moderation to prevent spam from making it to my site.
  2. Any comments that are meant to hurt, discriminate and demean anyone shall be deleted, that includes comments of a racist, sexist and homophobic nature.
  3. Please use language you wouldn’t mind you mother reading – if she’d wash your tongue with soap then it also doesn’t belong in this community.
  4. Please…no spam or advertising.
  5. If not agreeing with an opinion or article, position your argument in a logical, clear, concise, considered and intelligent way.

Looking forward to connecting with you.

Inspired by Mashable.


10 thoughts on “Commenting Guidelines”

  1. In the midst of a nice visit around your beautifully done website. Oh I do encourage you to keep traveling…..see the entire planet! I appreciate you choosing to follow Looking forward to following you in this New Year. All my best- JoHanna
    JoHanna Massey recently posted…“Curiouser and Curiouser”My Profile

    1. Thank you, JoHanna! 2018 is taking me to places I’ve never been before. I appreciate your visit and I’m looking forward to seeing more of your fantastic photos on your blog. Here’s wishing you an amazing 2018!

  2. Hi Regina, thank you for following my Blog! I’m impressed with your About Me page and love how you look at life. I wish you all the very best in life.

  3. Thank you so much for following Oh, the Places We See. Your blog is exciting because we feel that you really are seeing the world through eyes of wonder. We loved South Africa — but we saw only a small part of it: Johannesburg, Cape Town, Soweto, Stellenbosch. Would love to return! Keep us posted on what’s happening!

    1. Hi, South Africa is a gorgeous country and I’m glad you’ve been here. I live in Johannesburg and go to Cape Town often. You saw 2 of the most beautiful regions – Cape Town and Stellenbosch. Soweto is an experience, even for us locals. There is so much more to see, I guess you could keep on coming here for a few years and still not see all there is to see. I love seeing South Africa through the eyes of visitors because I find myself discovering things I didn’t know 🙂
      I love it that you find my blog exciting, thank you!

  4. Dealing with comment spam is really a big trouble. It is good that these days we have plugins like Akismet to help us otherwise I wonder how much time we would have to waste just to deal with the spam comments.

    By the way, the ” snow fall” theme is looking very good and reminding me of Christmas.

    If you are not too busy then can you tell me how to do the same on my blog

    1. Akismet is really great! I had dozens of spam comments each day before I installed it.

      About getting the “snow to fall” on your blog – Go to your dashboard. Navigate to Settings ? General.Check the box next to “Show falling snow on this blog.” – If you check it this year it will probably be automatic again for next year unless you de-select it.

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Mozambican-born Portuguese South African; reflecting on travel, writing, editing, life, family and change that has social impact; chief wide eyed in wanderer, wonderer and bottlewasher