Entering in this week’s letter challenge, I present you with toys, telephones and trees.

©2016 Regina Martins

©2016 Regina Martins

©2016 Regina Martins

©2016 Regina Martins

©2016 Regina Martins
Entered in Lori’s 26 Week’s Letter Challenge – “T”.
Entering in this week’s letter challenge, I present you with toys, telephones and trees.
Entered in Lori’s 26 Week’s Letter Challenge – “T”.
Here is my offering this week, representing the letter “S”. Definitely much easier than “Q” a couple of weeks ago.
I published this photo on Instagram this week. The sea is mesmerising and I upped the structure and saturation a bit to see the effect of the surf a bit better.
Sea, sun, surf and sand…need I say more? Isn’t the alliteration perfect 😉
A perfectly imperfect seashell found on a walk on the beach last weekend. I like the perspective of this photo with Che’s hand in the foreground and the rest of him including the sand out of focus.
Shadows of Che and me on said walk on the beach. I like that the shadows are of me and Che on the sand far below and Che’s arm in the foreground.
Shadows cast by the ironwork of a spiral staircase, taken looking down from midway down the staircase.
The skylight in the bathroom of the guesthouse I stayed at in June.
The beginnings of a healthy smoothie. Spinach, blueberries, apple, linseeds, pumpkin seeds, chia seeds, turmeric, and a touch of L-glutamine…topped up with pomegranate juice and water and zizzed in the fabulous Nutribullet.
A warming and comforting winter vegetable soup, one of my favourite foods. I could live on soup breakfast, lunch and dinner – summer, winter and all the other seasons in between.
A rare sunrise photo from me because at this time of the day I optimise for sleep. I have posted this photo before and I’m posting again because it is so rare for me to be awake at this early hour.
Che doing his favourite exercise – swimming.
These photos are entered in Lori’s 26 Weeks Photo Challenge. To know more about it just click on the link in the previous sentence.
Until next week – the turn of the letter “T”.