Category Archives: Flash Fiction

Telling stories in a few words

Simple gratitude

Today I am grateful for the people who support me in every way, even when they don’t know  they’re doing it. Today I am thankful to those who believe in me even when I don’t. Today I am thankful that when I go to a place to do something called “work”, that I’m actually going to a place that allows me to be myself and do something I enjoy. That’s all.

10 random facts about my week

  1. I spent at least 8 hours in traffic.
  2. I filled up the petrol tank once.
  3. I had 3 business lunches.
  4. I probably gained 3 kgs in the process.
  5. I had 15 cups of coffee so far.
  6. I cooked dinner 2x.
  7. I blogged 5x (including this one).
  8. I went to bed 3x after midnight.
  9. I employed 2 new Developers.
  10. Today feels like a Friday because tomorrow is a public holiday in South Africa. It is Human Rights Day.