Category Archives: A to Z Challenge

A to Z Challenge: C is for Being Conversational

Any speech or talk will be more convincing and professional if the speaker sounds conversational rather putting on an artificial performance.  That should be reserved for theatre acting.

This requires practice and preparation. Being conversational does not mean that the speaker stands in front of an audience and flies by the seat of their pants, impromptu style.

So, what helps a speaker sound conversational? Continue reading A to Z Challenge: C is for Being Conversational

A to Z Challenge: B is for Body Language and Being Yourself

I have a friend who is rather a formal sort of chap and when he spoke, even in a social context, had a tendency to be rather wooden.

His job required him to regularly do presentations in front of clients so he decided to do something about it and join a Toastmasters club. He did rather well in crafting his speeches who also happened to be interesting. He expresses himself in the written form eloquently. This brings us to… Continue reading A to Z Challenge: B is for Body Language and Being Yourself