Weekend Coffee Share: In the Right Place at the Right Time

If we were having coffee we’d be indoors, in my sunny lounge, because it’s cold outside. Not as icy as it was earlier on in the week. This is the last winter push and today, the second day of August, it’s warm-ish and the light looks different, brighter and more spring-y.

This past week blogging took a back seat to work. I didn’t even do the Wednesday Windows post (sigh!). I also didn’t visit many blogs.

I did spend some time on Twitter, so let me show you some of my favourite tweets. I didn’t want to post any of the whole Cecil the Lion killing, it’s just too tragic, and I can’t exactly call them favourites.

For a photographer, being at the right place at the right time is the stuff photographic dreams are made of. What do you think of the ones below?

Talk about being at the right place at the right time…for the photographer, not the kudu, who became lunch for the lion (I can hear strains of The Lion King’s Circle of Life song in my mind…).

Then, shortly after the Australian surfer was attacked by a great white shark at the JBay surfing tournament, the tweet below was posted of a pod of dolphins riding the waves. Another example of the photographer being in the right place at the right time.

And here is another of a herd of elephant helping a calf who’d collapsed.

And this cute one. All baby creatures are so cute.

Weighing in on the killing of Cecil the Lion, and the tragedy of it, especially if it’s true that he was lured from safety to the cross-hairs of a hunter’s rifle, the sport of canned lion hunting is big business. And therein lies the whole problem.

Read this blog post which includes a talk by conservationist and author Brian Connell, about the canned lion hunting business – Cecil can help – even in death.

What are your thoughts about this?

 Part of a weekly blogging link up hosted by Diana at Part Time Monster (click to go there).



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4 thoughts on “Weekend Coffee Share: In the Right Place at the Right Time”

  1. As a Zimbabwean my self the cecil the lion saga made me realise what the world value most. Please do not get me wrong I am all for animal protection as I strongly beleive that the universe is one whole because of everything in it animals include. However it was interesting to note that the suffering of Zimbawean people has hardly made it to the headlines of world’s media in the past decade and suddenly cecil’s trajic death there is a world uproar that I found very baffling.
    I love your photos Regina they are very interesting.
    Mabel Rudo Nyazika recently posted…WaterMy Profile

  2. I’ve never agreed with that type of hunting. I fish here in the states and I do hunt deer. Although i know hunting is controversial to some so I will just say it’s part of how I grew up. I’m not a trophy hunter and each year if we do get a deer, we have a freezer full of very healthy meat.
    Bill Cunningham recently posted…The Case Of The Missing SpoonsMy Profile

    1. Trophy hunting is contrived and cruel to the animal. Maybe not in the early days, but now it’s driven by money.
      My Dad also grew up with hunting, not big game, rather like you describe it. Even in hunting there needs to be humanity.

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