First Day: Weekend Coffee Share

First Day: Weekend Coffee Share… hello and welcome to this week’s coffee! Grab whatever beverage you want and let’s get started.

What is “First Day”?

The “first day” refers to the first day of work or the first day of school. The 2 often coincide here in ZA when most parents return to work on the day their kids start their school year. That was this past week.

It was also the first working day of the year for me as well. It was a slow week full of planning and getting re-orientated once again to a new routine. Chè also returned to work and our mornings became different. Morning coffees have become rushed, and my first meeting of the day is at 8:30, daily.

The Weather

I still made time for reading and journalling. The weather has been warm and humid and rainy. The rain is good as it’s filling the dams again. The Vaal Dam that serves the greater Johannesburg area was down to 24% full, and now it’s at about 57% full. South Africa is a water scarce country so we tend to track these things closely.

The ground is damp and the grass is green and growing a lot. The greens are many and diverse and it’s a very beautiful time of the year.

This Week

I’m running 2 training workshops this coming week. I’m looking forward to this again, it’s something that I greatly enjoy doing.

The year has started!

Well, that’s it for today. I hope that you have a wonderful week ahead.



This post is part of Natalie the Explorer’s Weekend Coffee Share challenge. Click here to see more coffee shares. They’re always such fun!

Read my last week’s coffee share post, here.