WordPress Weekly Photo: Transmogrify

Wow! What a word. Transmogrify which means “to change in appearance or form, especially strangely or grotesquely; transform.”

Well, in honour of this week’s theme I have chosen this photo I took in the Rua Da Academia Das Ciências in Lisbon, of a spray can used to transmogrify a wall.

It was carefully placed in an old wall sconce itself making an interesting transmogrified artistic display.

Spray can used to transmogrify walls in Rua Da Academia Das Ciências in Lisbon ©2016 Regina Martins
Spray can used to transmogrify walls in Rua Da Academia Das Ciências in Lisbon
©2016 Regina Martins

Entered in WordPress’ weekly photo challenge, the theme of which is Transmogrify.


5 thoughts on “WordPress Weekly Photo: Transmogrify”

    1. That is a great question 🙂
      I’ve been wanting to post this photo for a while but could never figure out a reason for it. This week’s challenge provided the opportunity.
      It is like a still life picture, an urban photographic still life…

  1. First thank you for the meaning of that word which I have never come accross before.
    Your interpretation of the theme is spot on!

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