Memo August 7th, 2016

Hi everyone!

I’m going to be traveling again today and will in all likelihood not get to blog tonight, nor visit your blogs.

I’m making my way from Lisbon to Barcelona to meet up with my colleagues from around the world for our annual international coach camp.

I was supposed to fly to Barcelona on Friday and postponed it because what I thought was a mild cold turned out to be a bit more serious. A trip to the airport turned into a trip to the hospital for some treatment. There was an element of the unknown because I’m not in my home country.

Back home in South Africa it’s a quick trip to the doctor who has my medical file and my medical insurance details. Here, in Portugal it’s different. I don’t know any doctors and getting medical help works differently here with the NHS type of service.


In any event, I got well attended to at a private hospital. I’m on meds, and after sleeping the whole of Friday and most of yesterday I’m feeling a lot better.

So, no wild weekend in Barcelona. But my health is more important.

Until then, then.
