Weekend Coffee Share: Welcome To Wacky Island

If we were having coffee we’d talk about the Scrum simulation game I played with a group of people this past week.  We had to build a resort from the vision to the launch. All in four 2-minute sprints with learning, adapting and planning time in between.

At our disposal we had paper, post-it notes, 1 pair of scissors per group (this soon became a constrained resource), glue and crayons. Our group improvised with a few branches from the garden, a bottle of water and 3 cups.

Welcome to Wacky Island, where you can escape from the normal and recharge in the wacky. It’s a magical place for families. Kids go one way and are looked after and entertained by a team of qualified and experienced minders, and the parents can do big people stuff without worrying about the kids. All activities are wacky – nothing normal on Wacky Island.

wacky island sign - reginamartins.com

The island is in the middle of the city! It has a moat all around where all sorts of water-sports can be enjoyed in, on and under the water. Access to the island is via cable car. The big brown box is the luxury hotel. For those wanting a cheaper option, there are luxury shacks too. There’s a casino train that goes all around the island for the parents to enjoy themselves and spend money (we were thinking of our return on investment with that one!).

wacky island - reginamartins.com

Below is the ferris wheel restaurant for the whole family. Order your food when you get in, and get your food when the car comes around to the bottom again. A restaurant with a view. We had to support it with 2 glasses though because our paper plate foundations weren’t very strong…

ferris wheel restaurant - reginamartins.com

The piece-de-resistance – the underwater bar in the shape of a submarine – accessed via glass bubbles. Patrons are kept company by famous characters, amongst others, Nemo and Sponge Bob. This was placed under the table (underwater bar, under the table…get it?).

underwater bar - reginamartins.com

If we were having coffee we’d ask ourselves – who says adults can’t have fun learning too?

Well that’s it for now. What’s your week been like?

Weekend Coffee Share is a blogging linkup hosted by Diana at Part Time Monster. Go on over and pay her a visit. And click here if you want to read more coffee shares.



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