WordPress Weekly Photo: Up Close and Not So Personal!

Look at what was growing at the bottom of the garden the other day.

“Pick one,” Che said, “I’m sure they’re edible.”

“No ways! These are poisonous,” I said, horrified at the thought.

“Yes,” he says nonchalantly, “they may give you a few stomach cramps but otherwise look tasty.”

Then I knew he was joking.

They’re cute aren’t they? I wouldn’t risk eating them though. Would you?






This is the second entry in this week’s challenge. Here is the first one: Imperfect Beauty.

Entered in WordPress’ weekly photo theme of Close-Up – This week, get up close and personal with your subject. Click here for more up close and personal photos.

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6 thoughts on “WordPress Weekly Photo: Up Close and Not So Personal!”

  1. Some mushroom varieties love being parasites growing on trees like these cuties, I think you are right not to even try cooking them. Having said that,my mum taught each of us children ways of checking if mushrooms are safe to eat as during the rain season in Zimbabwe as is the case in S.A. mushrooms grow everywhere. Just try this next time, boil the mushrooms and then put a stainless steel fork in the pot where you are boiling them . If the fork turns black then the mushrooms are poisinous, it worked for us growing up. Do not take my word for it though, but it can just confirm how deadly the mushrooms are. Lovely photographs!
    Mabel Rudo Nyazika recently posted…It is a question of ‘Will Power’My Profile

    1. That would be an interesting experiment to conduct though, not because I want to eat them but curious to see how the fork turns out.

  2. Read an article years back about an Asian family who had moved to Washington State and found mushrooms that looked just like some edible ones in their homeland. So they ate them. All had to have liver transplants due to the extreme toxicity. Cute mushroom pics. Just to look at, however!

    1. That sounds so terrible! I will not even touch these garden varieties with my hands, too afraid of spore contamination. Apparently there is a way to tell if they are poisonous, by putting a white sheet of paper underneath them and depending on the colour of spores that fall onto it, they are either good to eat or not.

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