Weekend Coffee Share: It Feels Like Spring Already!

This week is a less rushed coffee to last week. The wind is howling outside and we are sitting in my cosy and sunny lounge. I would tell you that I had lots of the stuff this past week. The next best thing to the comforting aroma of coffee is the smell of Spring coming. We may have one or two more cold fronts but I think that deep Winter is now over.

This week was also the week of the Lean Coffee and even though I did not facilitate one I attended to help the facilitator deal with the tough questions. During Lean Coffee days coffee is free and the baristas are right there, ten paces from where I am sitting – bliss!

If we were having coffee I would tell you how, in month three of the new job, I am starting to feel settled. I am fortunate that what I do for a living also happens to be a passion of mine, so sometimes going to work feels like going to play. That is what I try to facilitate in the people I coach. The tag line of one of the Agile bodies, Scrum Alliance is “Changing the world of work” and I am glad to be part of this new “organisational revolution”.

If we were having coffee we would talk about how I did not blog as often as I would have wanted. I am also annoyed that if you save your posts in draft on WordPress more than a certain number of times the pingbacks do not work. It says that it has pinged the WordPress site but when you go to the site it is not there. I entered the WordPress photo challenge today, allowed it to auto-save and the pingback worked! Does anyone out there have an explanation for this?

If we were having coffee we would comment that now it is Che’s car that is in the shop. The head gasket blew and the quote to repair it is more than what the car is worth. Granted, it is 18 years old but Che has taken such good care of it that mechanics often comment how well looked after it is. He is going to see if it can be done for less but it seems that we must start hunting for a new car for him. So for now we are a one-car-family – it is just as well that my current client is based 20 minutes from home.  It is rather nice to be dropped off and picked up by Che because we chat about all sorts of things on the way.

Sinzinani reginamartins.comIf we were having coffee I would tell you about the blissful spa treatment I had yesterday. When I left my previous employer my team gave me a spa voucher which I used yesterday. I had a full body hot stone massage and a facial done. It was just what I needed.

If we were having coffee I would update you on Project Off-The-Inverter reginamartins.comGrid – we got a pure sine wave inverter yesterday – this will power all the sensitive electronics like the entertainment system, modem, alarm, cellphone charging and laptops (not all at the same time, but that is not needed anyway). We have ordered the modified sine wave inverter for the lights to replace the one Che built and which we use now – lights are not as fussy as the sensitive electronics, and we also do not need such a powerful one as we have fitted energy efficient bulbs. While we wait for that one we will be researching solar panels for charging the deep cycle batteries.

If we were having coffee I would guide you to my Instagram feed – I have not used it in a while and have been having fun with it again.

Oh well, the joghurt is on the go, Che made bread and pizza and it is now time to say goodbye.

Until next week, same time, same place.

Weekend Coffee Share is a weekly blogging linkup hosted by Diana from Part Time Monster. Go on over to see more coffee shares.


WordPress Weekly Photo: Symbol

Lord Ganesha, Hindu god of knowledge and wisdom. The lord of success and remover of obstacles.

Ganesha reginamartins.com

Goddess Lakshmi, goddess of wealth, prosperity and beauty.

Goddess Lakshmi reginamartins.com

Lord Krishna, the blue-skinned deity, considered to be the supreme being, in Hindu tradition considered to be god himself, the eighth incarnation of Lord Vishnu.

Krishna reginamartins.com

Entered in WordPress's weekly photo challenge - the theme this week is Symbol. Click to see more symbolsSymbolism is uniquely human. We use symbols to represent intangible things like our beliefs and emotions, and to convert the abstract into something understandable. We may also use symbols to simplify and convey information. 
Photography is often the same; an image illustrates a single moment in time, or captures an object in perpetuity. Much like symbols, photographs, too, may conjure vivid memories and mean a wide range of things to different people.