The week

This week went by quickly. Thinking back on the past 5 days, the one thing stands out as a daily occurence was traffic. I spent about 10 hours in traffic this past week. I wish we had a decent and safe public transport system.

On Tuesday I had a wonderful dinner with friends at Delhi Dharbar in Parkmore. The food was yummy, and I came home with take-away Gulab Jamun (remember this most delectable of Indian sweet I wrote about some time ago?). I had it for breakfast the next day 🙂

On Wednesday I stayed over at my sister’s house because I had a 7h30 seminar in Paulshof. I spent more time traveling the 10kms from Fourways to Paulshof than it would have taken me the 40kms from Alberton to Paulshof. The flip-side is that I had a wonderful evening with my sister and niece.

My uncle in Portugal who is 82 years old had a surgical procedure. He is quite frail and we are all a bit worried, more so because he is so far away. But he has a fighting spirit, so maybe we shouldn’t be so worried.

This was also the week that the Kilimanjaro booking was made. So it’s on for September. Now the hard training starts. A colleague said to me, “Get a backpack, put 10 kilos in it and just go walking.” Eish! It’s all of a sudden become real and I am s**t scared. You cannot imagine how I have vacillated in the last 2 weeks, “Do I?”, “Do I cancel…?”. I will be blogging about my training and climb.

This weekend – shopping with my friend, bike riding and rest.

How was your week What are you up to this weekend?