IPad meetings and the like

Yesterday I broke the tea pot. Then I dropped a heavy pyrex dish which bounced on my arm en route to the floor (I was on the floor at the time, don’t ask!). The dish bounced on the floor, and being pyrex, I thought it would survive. Well, it didn’t! And my arm now has a black and blue bruise to prove it. A few hours later I burned the toasts (it happens often).  And also the veggie burgers under the grill. My husband blames the iPad…

I did manage to wash the dishes and wipe the surfaces safely though! And pack the dishes into the cupboards. I think I just get distracted. I fully intend to make toasts but get side-tracked with something else – my email, or BBM, or something. I totally forget about what I started in the kitchen until the smell of burnt stuff wafts into the lounge.  And no one is more surprised than me. I mean, it was just a few minutes ago that I set the toasts going wasn’t it?

So it is not the iPads’s fault. Or the Blackberry.  I can totally get why people get sucked into the virtuality of the web to the exclusion of all else. It’s so easy.

I have a colleague, a good friend, that when we meet for coffee at work, it is with our iPads. I call it an iPad meeting. We sit, and inbetween sips of our cappuccinos, heads buried in our respective iPads, compare the apps we’ve recently bought, check mail and see photos. In all honesty, we actually do get a lot done. And we also catch up on work.

Yesterday morning my husband and I sat in the lounge with our morning coffee and muffins (home-made), in companionable silence, each with our separate devices.  Once in a while we would share something we’d just read, chat about it, and go back to our devices. Before we knew it a few hours had passed, and I can think of worse ways to pass a Sunday morning.

Let me be honest – I would much rather be blogging, or on facebook or chatting with friends on BBM, than making toasts.The world has changed – people now meet their spouses online. Each and every person’s global reach has expanded with the wonderful technology we have, definitely making the world a smaller place. I love it. We are living in exciting times, and instead of resisting, let us just go with the flow and enjoy the ride.

Off course, it does mean that there will be a lot more burnt toasts in this household.