Feedback is always welcome

Since starting this blog I have received some good feedback on it. I am obviously concerned about how relevant it is, and how many people will enjoy what I have to say. So all feedback is welcome.

This is off-course, more than anything a personal blog. An account of my thoughts and ideas, dreams, projects, activities and travel. With lots of photos because I just love them so much. A picture does indeed paint a thousand words. My life is not more interesting than the next person’s. I suppose it is in the telling of a story that makes it interesting to read.

One of my hobbies is public speaking. I am a member of Toastmasters International, a non-profit organisation which, through its member clubs around the world, helps develop individual personal growth through experiential leadership training and public speaking skills. Enough of the blurb. I love speaking in public, delivering original speeches to an audience and I really get a kick out of seeing them enjoy it. It is like an adrenalin rush. I have been a toastmaster for almost 15 years and I cannot describe enough how it has benefited me in my work and personal life.

There is a structured educational program and there are manuals containing assignments. Each speech or assignment is evaluated – these are constructive, the aim being in improving skills.

And that is the way I see all the comments visitors to my blog have left me. Because I am very new to blogging, I take each suggestion seriously. I research it , and allow the idea play itself in my mind, to see where it goes.

One comment was that a magazine theme will be much better for my posts. I have researched this, and set up a test bed on my local machine. I am having a lot of fun playing around with new themes. I am not 100% happy with the current theme, so quite soon you will see a new one which I hope will look and feel really great.

The other tie in that blogging has with toastmasters is the writing aspect. Before a speech can be delivered it has to be written first. It needs a structure to make it flow.  It has a beginning, a middle and an end. The end has to tie in to the beginning. The title has to tie in to the speech. Even though the audience will be hearing rather than reading it, grammatically it has to make sense. Word usage is important. Linguistic techniques have to be used. Language needs to be simple rather than complicated – no acronyms. If a simple word can be used, why use the verbose equivalent?

I have done many speeches hence I have written a lot. I enjoy writing. Blogging affords me the opportunity to write and improve my skills. My previous writing has been verbally delivered to an audience. These writings are being read by an – hopefully growing – audience. Off course one of the differences between a blog post and a toastmasters speech is that the post has to look and feel good. The experience needs to be a pleasant one.

This post is not one of my witty ones. It is more a written introspection of my blogging experience so far. I need lots more constructive feedback to make it better. If you are reading this please do leave me some. It is always welcome.

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