Who’s The Natty One Then?

Welcome to this stream of consciousness. Natty is WordPress’s word of the day and the obvious association I make has to do with clothes. More specifically, the wearer of clothes as in, “He is a natty dresser.”

I’ve just finished a syndicate assignment for Social Entrepreneurship where the enterprise we used was a fashion incubator so I am making another connection with natty. Let’s see where all these strands are going.

I’ve noticed a trend with regards to consultancies providing services to social enterprises in South Africa – there are those that are incubators and others that are accelerators. I don’t think it’s a linear process because not every new start-up needs help incubating – the business experience of the founders has a lot to do with this. Acceleration on the other hand provides advice on taking an existing organisation and helping it to achieve more. I am on board with the idea of incubation. I am a bit more sceptical about the whole idea of acceleration.

Acceleration reminds me of the zippy rental I drove for a week and a bit while my car was being fixed. Now that  have my car back, it didn’t feel as zippy as the little one. But it did feel solid, hugging the corners as I accelerated out them.

My head is swimming with gross profit margins, ROI and net working capital ratios. You got it – it’s assignment time again – another one.  Due tomorrow night. Numbers is not my forte – but those ratios are rather natty aren’t they? Especially if a natty social entrepreneur uses them to make an impact of society.


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