You have a great blog! I am very impressed…I wanted to thank you for stopping at my blog, my name is Jackie….I guess you have inspired me to either change my blog or do something different…
Thank you so much Jackie! I’m enjoying following your story and hope that the healing is going well. I also love cats and have a motorbike although I don’t ride it much at the moment 🙂
Mozambican-born Portuguese South African; reflecting on travel, writing, editing, life, family and change that has social impact; chief wide eyed in wanderer, wonderer and bottlewasher
Nice picture!
Thank you for following me today <3
Roberta Pimentel recently posted…Dedicated to Writers
Thank you!
Thanks for following me too 🙂
You have a great blog.
You have a great blog! I am very impressed…I wanted to thank you for stopping at my blog, my name is Jackie….I guess you have inspired me to either change my blog or do something different…
Thank you so much Jackie! I’m enjoying following your story and hope that the healing is going well. I also love cats and have a motorbike although I don’t ride it much at the moment 🙂